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Module No Longer Appears

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I'm using PS I recently had an issue with my hosting provider, and then after getting that resolved, went in to PS back office and suddenly one--and only one--of my modules no longer appeared in the Modules list. It is Store Commander.


I tried to reinstall it, but it still didn't  appear in the Modules list. I select the SC.ZIP file provided by Store Commander, select that file to upload, then install it and I receive the message that the module has been uploaded successfully, yet it doesn't appear in the Modules list.


Any ideas why and how can I get that module back?

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it could be some sort of check by module on where it was installed...so it can't be installed on 'other'...this just a wild guess.


if you see in modules/module_name, using ftp or back office hosting file view...at least you know have module folder


you can also turn on errors to see if any issue, but normally no modules would display if one burps



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Actually I finally figured it out. All I had to do within the Modules listing was filter and show those that were not Installed. It showed it, I installed it, and went from there!


Thank you for your replies.


drop and give us 30..jajajajaja...glad you got it sorted...

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