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Javascript/iframe/video problem

Alberto Navarro

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PS version:

eBay module version: 1.8.1


The problem comes when I have a video inside a producto, is a Youtube video, but inserted with the PS option.


This is the warning menssage:


El anuncio no puede contener JavaScript (".cookie", "cookie(", "replace(", IFRAME, META, or includes), cookies ni base href.

Producto(s) concernido(s) :
- Caja transparente para Raspberry Pi


I test it and it cames out only with the products with video.


Any solution?

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PS version:

eBay module version: 1.8.1


The problem comes when I have a video inside a producto, is a Youtube video, but inserted with the PS option.


This is the warning menssage:


El anuncio no puede contener JavaScript (".cookie", "cookie(", "replace(", IFRAME, META, or includes), cookies ni base href.


Producto(s) concernido(s) :

- Caja transparente para Raspberry Pi


I test it and it cames out only with the products with video.


Any solution?


Ebay have restriction what can be inserted to ebay description and what not. 

There you can find list of allowed and not allowed list http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/listing-javascript.html

So in your case you need to modify your product description to pass ebay policy.  

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Ebay have restriction what can be inserted to ebay description and what not. 

There you can find list of allowed and not allowed list http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/listing-javascript.html

So in your case you need to modify your product description to pass ebay policy.  

Hi Involic.


I know that point, but I'm asking about why I've to change my shop when the plugin could do it only for eBay, I mean, or the module allow me to change this before the synchronization, or delete it automatically.


Is any way to do that?

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