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[SOLVED] Payment Module Formating Error with two <div> missing, any ideas?

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I am experiencing a strange formating error with the free BitPay module, which I've already reported as an issue on github but since I tried to track down the problem myself for an immediate fix maybe someone here know what to look for.


I'm using PS v1.6.0.9 with the default template and the quick order option (one page checkout) and this is how the BitPay module presents itself:



The problem seems to be that it does not properly get included encapsulated in a row. This is how it should look like:




And this is how it looks for the bitpay module:




As you can see, the two divs are missing, and just the paragraph getting inserted, causing the bitpay box stretch uncontrolled horizontally.


I have already tried to find the issue in the code by comparing the files in the bitpay module folder with the ones in the bankwire module folder, but I have no idea what I'm looking for.


Any idea why this is happening, where the two divs are coming from and how to fix this?


I'm sure the developer of the module will take care of this eventually, but I assume this can be fixed easily and would like to solve that mystery myself (with your help of course), so if you know anything about this please tell.

Edited by Master One (see edit history)
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With the help of cmjnisse (developer of the PrestaShop Piwik Module) I was able to solve that problem by exchanging the content of the file 


with the following code:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6">
        <p class="payment_module bitpay">
            <a href="{$this_path}payment.php" title="{l s='Pay with BitPay' mod='bitpay'}">
                <img src="{$this_path}bitcoin.png" width="86" height="49" alt="{l s='Pay with BitPay' mod='bitpay'}" />
                {l s='Pay with Bitcoin' mod='bitpay'}
        p.payment_module.bitpay a 

Another problem solved! :)

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