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Some products are not available.. but which one?


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I have a shop where people order around the 10 to 50 products at the time.

Some products 1, other 2, other 10.


When people make a shopping cart, they can come back later to finish the cart to an order.

Really useful!



When they put 10 items of 1 product in their card, and another customer ordered of that product 1 item, en they first customer comes back later that day, they will receive the note:


One of the products are not available in this quantity anymore.


But.. the shop doesn't tell which product!

So when people has 10 to 50 products in their shopping cart.. they must remove every cart one by one, to find out which cart is not available anymore.

How can we fix it?


We don't want to say of every item what quantity we have.

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I have seen this issue come up but do not know of any particular resolution.


I'd like to suggest that you open a forge report here: forge.prestashop.com


please then post the bug report url back here for other to follow/comment/vote up.


I think this is something that developer team needs to review and remark on.  thanks

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