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attributes to have own quantity

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Hi all,
I have been here once before, but this time I have a problem.

I have a client who needs each attribute to have its own quantity, so when the attribute is ordered it will get deducted from the database.

I made this in oscommerce for the customer but the quantity and shipping would not work at all.

The final weight of the attribute plus quantity must be added to final total for payment.
I do not know how prestashop works but I hope there is something out there or someone who can help me.

Thanks in advance

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I thought this is already how Prestashop works. When you go to the "3. Combinations" tab on the product editor, then go to the Product Combinations Generator, you can enter a default quantity, then after generating the attributes, you can modify the quantity of individual combinations. Were you wanting it so that when an attribute it purchased, it is automatically deducted from every combinations containing that attribute?

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I'm not sure if I'm understanding right, but I think Prestashop already does this. If you create a product Almond with attributes 1kg, 5kg, 10kg and give them all a quantity of 10 using the Product Combinations Generator, when someone orders 1kg of almonds, the quantities will become:

1kg qty = 9
5kg qty = 10
10kg qty = 10

Is the way Prestashop currently does it not the way you want?

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I have sent those instructions to my client and he has come back to me with this:

This is not a adequate solution as this does not allow me to determine the stock I have in store. On the bases of the example that you have below, each size of almond box contains a different number of packets.

100g qty = has 20 packets in a box
400g qty = Has 10 in a box
1kg qty = Has 6 in a box

This does not allow for the correct stock in store solution.

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I see what you are trying to do now. The attributes won't be deducted properly if you set it up that way. You would have to set it up so qty 1 = 1 packet, qty 2 = 2 packets, etc, then it will work properly. I had a look at the Pack option, but couldn't get it to work. You might have to modify product.tpl to change the quantity field into a dropdown box with text "100g" and value "20", text "400g" and value "10", etc.

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It should work if your product's quantity is specified as the number of packets left. I'm not aware of any modules that would be useful in this situation. Unless I've misunderstood your requirements, I don't think it is necessary to do any modification other than changing the quantity to a dropdown for the product. You don't need any attributes after doing that.

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Sorry, I just realised that I misread one of your previous posts. I think it would be easiest if you just added the three almond sizes as different products. Otherwise, you will have to go through each of the generated attributes and re-enter the appropriate quantity for each one, which would be very time-consuming.

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  • 1 year later...
I thought this is already how Prestashop works. When you go to the "3. Combinations" tab on the product editor, then go to the Product Combinations Generator, you can enter a default quantity, then after generating the attributes, you can modify the quantity of individual combinations. Were you wanting it so that when an attribute it purchased, it is automatically deducted from every combinations containing that attribute?

Rocky - this is what I want. I have 10 chess boards which could be bought in combination with any number of chess pieces. If a customer buys a chess board with his pieces i need to see that the total number of chess boards available has gone down by one.

Is this possible?
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