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Images Sizes and where they are Used

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If we use the standard Prestashop Template where do the following image sizes relate to:

1 small 45 px 45 px Edit Delete
2 medium 160 px 140 px Edit Delete
3 large 200 px 200 px Edit Delete
4 thickbox 600 px 600 px Edit Delete
5 category 160 px 140 px Edit Delete
6 home 129 px 129 px Edit Delete
7 large_scene 556 px 200 px Edit Delete
8 thumb_scene 161 px 58 px Edit Delete

I have looked around and cannot find this anywhere.



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an update

Small - Little Pictures in slider on the product description page
Medium - Sub categories
Large - Large picture on product description page
thickbox - the large slideshow pictures on the product description page
Home - product listing image (where the products are shown in a list)
large_scene - Unknown
thumb_scene - Unknown

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