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Changing price - Match options + Features : Upload a logo, add a text


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Hello All


I would like to do something in my store.


I have a product A with multiple options: Add logo front, add logo back, add text front , add text back


Each option selected inscreased the price of X EUROS. I would like to modify the core of prestashop to do a match between features and option in the product like the attached picture try to explain.


The main idea is to increase price of option are selected by user (already done) BUT to increase price if a logo or a text is also written.

Just to force the user to pay the right price for the right option chooseN


Thanks a lot ;)




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I accomplish this on my store by using Presto-Changeo's Attribute Wizard Pro. It expands the range of attributes to include file upload as a feature. Then instead of using the product customization I use the file attribute and since it is an attribute you can have price adjustments. 

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