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How to remove product "condition" (new, used, refurbished) from product page in version?

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I do not know which method you use to connect to your database, maybe cPanel or ftp but what you need to find is:


Your shop > your theme > default bootstrap > product.tpl


and "comment out" <!-- comment out --> the code rather than delete it, you may want to use the conditions at a later date.


Hope this helps



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  On 9/22/2014 at 1:51 PM, Paulito said:


I do not know which method you use to connect to your database, maybe cPanel or ftp but what you need to find is:


Your shop > your theme > default bootstrap > product.tpl


and "comment out" <!-- comment out --> the code rather than delete it, you may want to use the conditions at a later date.


Hope this helps



Thanks i found the file but i didnt find exactly what Mr. Vekia said. only thing i found relating that Condition issue is :

 {if $product->condition}

<p id="product_condition">
<label>{l s='Condition'} </label>
{if $product->condition == 'new'}
<link itemprop="itemCondition" href="http://schema.org/NewCondition"/>
<span class="editable">{l s='New'}</span>
{elseif $product->condition == 'used'}
<link itemprop="itemCondition" href="http://schema.org/UsedCondition"/>
<span class="editable">{l s='Used'}</span>
{elseif $product->condition == 'refurbished'}
<link itemprop="itemCondition" href="http://schema.org/RefurbishedCondition"/>
<span class="editable">{l s='Refurbished'}</span>
if i remove this then whole page of the product disappears.
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Have you gone to:

public_html/Your Shop/themes/default-bootstrap/product.tpl


and around line 162 seen this:


{capture name=condition}
{if $product->condition == 'new'}{l s='New'}
{elseif $product->condition == 'used'}{l s='Used'}
{elseif $product->condition == 'refurbished'}{l s='Refurbished'}
<p id="product_condition"{if !$product->condition} style="display: none;"{/if}>
<label>{l s='Condition'} </label>
<span class="editable" itemprop="condition">{$smarty.capture.condition}</span>
Just <!-- Comment Out --> this code
Edited by Paulito (see edit history)
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  On 9/22/2014 at 4:48 PM, Paulito said:




Have you gone to:

public_html/Your Shop/themes/default-bootstrap/product.tpl


and around line 162 seen this:


{capture name=condition}
{if $product->condition == 'new'}{l s='New'}
{elseif $product->condition == 'used'}{l s='Used'}
{elseif $product->condition == 'refurbished'}{l s='Refurbished'}
<p id="product_condition"{if !$product->condition} style="display: none;"{/if}>
<label>{l s='Condition'} </label>
<span class="editable" itemprop="condition">{$smarty.capture.condition}</span>
Just <!-- Comment Out --> this code


Thanks for answering again.

yes exactly i am at public_html/Your Shop/themes/default-bootstrap/product.tpl

and also the text i shared in last mesage is at at arround line 162.

my version is so maybe its bit different.


Edited by Abdul Haseeb (see edit history)
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  • 4 months later...

i modify my code in  httpdocs / ps / themes / mytheme / product.tpl


like this, (i add 5 line up - down)

<h5 itemprop="name" class="name_product"><span>{$product->name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</span></h5>
			<p id="product_reference"{if empty($product->reference) || !$product->reference} style="display: none;"{/if}>
				<label>{l s='Model'} </label>
				<span class="editable" itemprop="sku">{if !isset($groups)}{$product->reference|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}</span>
			{capture name=condition}
				{if $product->condition == 'new'}{l s='New'}
				{elseif $product->condition == 'used'}{l s='Used'}
				{elseif $product->condition == 'refurbished'}{l s='Refurbished'}
			<p id="product_condition"{if !$product->condition} style="display: none;"{/if}>
				<label>{l s='Condition'} </label>
				<span class="editable" itemprop="condition">{$smarty.capture.condition}</span>
				<!-- availability -->
				<p id="availability_statut"{if ($product->quantity <= 0 && !$product->available_later && $allow_oosp) || ($product->quantity > 0 && !$product->available_now) || !$product->available_for_order || $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none;"{/if}>
					<span id="availability_label">{l s='Availability:'}</span>
					<span id="availability_value"{if $product->quantity <= 0} class="warning_inline"{/if}>{if $product->quantity <= 0}{if $allow_oosp}{$product->available_later}{else}{l s='This product is no longer in stock'}{/if}{else}{$product->available_now}{/if}</span>	

but still no luck,

is something wrong with the code?

Edited by athens (see edit history)
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is this correct now?

<h5 itemprop="name" class="name_product"><span>{$product->name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</span></h5>
			<p id="product_reference"{if empty($product->reference) || !$product->reference} style="display: none;"{/if}>
				<label>{l s='Model'} </label>
				<span class="editable" itemprop="sku">{if !isset($groups)}{$product->reference|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}</span>
			{capture name=condition}
			{*	{if $product->condition == 'new'}{l s='New'}
				{elseif $product->condition == 'used'}{l s='Used'}
				{elseif $product->condition == 'refurbished'}{l s='Refurbished'}
				{/if} *}
			<p id="product_condition"{if !$product->condition} style="display: none;"{/if}>
				<label>{l s='Condition'} </label>
				<span class="editable" itemprop="condition">{$smarty.capture.condition}</span>
				<!-- availability -->
				<p id="availability_statut"{if ($product->quantity <= 0 && !$product->available_later && $allow_oosp) || ($product->quantity > 0 && !$product->available_now) || !$product->available_for_order || $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none;"{/if}>
					<span id="availability_label">{l s='Availability:'}</span>
					<span id="availability_value"{if $product->quantity <= 0} class="warning_inline"{/if}>{if $product->quantity <= 0}{if $allow_oosp}{$product->available_later}{else}{l s='This product is no longer in stock'}{/if}{else}{$product->available_now}{/if}</span>				
				<p class="warning_inline" id="last_quantities"{if ($product->quantity > $last_qties || $product->quantity <= 0) || $allow_oosp || !$product->available_for_order || $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none"{/if} >{l s='Warning: Last items in stock!'}</p>
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  • 3 months later...
Is this the right way to remove new condition? I have this code and still see the condition new.



{if !$product->is_virtual && $product->condition}

<p id="product_condition">

<label>{l s='Condition:'} </label>

{if $product->condition == 'new'}

<link itemprop="itemCondition" href="http://schema.org/NewCondition"/>

<span class="editable">{l s='New product'}</span>

{elseif $product->condition == 'used'}

<link itemprop="itemCondition" href="http://schema.org/UsedCondition"/>

<span class="editable">{l s='Used'}</span>

{elseif $product->condition == 'refurbished'}

<link itemprop="itemCondition" href="http://schema.org/RefurbishedCondition"/>

<span class="editable">{l s='Refurbished'}</span>




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  • 2 weeks later...



How to remove the product Condition only for Virtual Products for Prestashop
Does not make any sense to have product conditions on Virtual Products...


I have found this fix repo but it is only for Prestashop 1.6.x
my prestashop version is


PS; sorry for hijack this thread.



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  • 8 months later...
  On 9/21/2014 at 10:30 PM, vekia said:

Using cart 1.6.10 and this solution still works perfectly. As a newbie I am finding PrestaCart feature rich and give me power to minipulate multiple things, but it just seems silly this is not a setting in the control panel we can turn off. Let be honest, what percentage of people are selling used verus new items? I would guess the majority of people are only selling new items. Love this feature it does allow us to sell all and display condition; just thinking this might be a logical candidate to have a setting in the admin panel instead of most of us having to remove code.

Edited by clubbuilder (see edit history)
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