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[Warning] YSLOW | GOOGLE Page Speed and PrestaShop CCC of .js

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I wanted to pass on some advice to shop owners out there.


When you run, as recommended CCC for .js and .css files, the reporting of all  tools is invalid.


For example if you CCC all your JavaScript at the top, you will receive score of B and possibly and A.


This is because measurement tools count the CCC'ed .js file as one(1) script, when in fact it has 'many' .js scripts.


In order to 'really' know your score and true impact on your shop, disable CCC for .js files and re-run your test.


You now get a big fat F.


so maybe not worry so much about 'css sprites', but focus on moving JavaScript to bottom of page.


I hope you found this useful. el


(of course this is same issue with .css, but that is for another day)

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