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Tax Inclusive Price not in all Stores


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All of the prices are showing correctly on the product pages in one shop. That is they include GST.


I've added the first product for the other shops and I can not get it to display on the front as tax inclusive prices. At no point does the tax get involved. It is as of there is no tax.


When setting the product in the Prices it has the GST tax rule and it displays the correct retail price with tax. So looks good in the product setup.


I double checked the Group settings for the different stores and the display included tax is set. All of the settings were imported from the first store anyway when the new ones were setup.


I have been playing with this for a few days now clearing cache and compiles etc and it has not come good.


Any ideas?



The original shop that the other shops are based on displays the prices on the front end including GST.

The other 4 shops created from the first shop all show prices pre tax.

As far as I can tell, they all have the same settings but one obscure setting must be different somewhere and this must happen when the new stores are created.

Edited by IeM (see edit history)
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