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[solved] Remove fieldset border?

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Im just customising my shop, and Ive come accross some kind of border on fieldsets, its mainly seen around the 'voucher' box in your shopping cart. I cant figure out how to remove this border? I cant find any css that relates to it and the only way I can get rid of it is to remove the html tags from in the tpl file?

It's a kind of rounded-corner border, which would suggest it's an image (because im in IE and it still appears rounded), but I cant find an image either so Im pretty confused...

Any help greatly appreciated.


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Hey rocky,

Thanks for your reply, Neither of those worked, but I have figured it out now! Quite simple really... I just added "fieldset { border:0px; }" to the global.css, I should have thought of that first!

Thanks for your help!

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