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Bulk Quantity Updater


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HI, I am in the process of migrating an Oscommerce shop to Prestashop. If I had only known about Prestashop 4 years when I started. I used the Presto-changeo migration which has been great but all my items have no quantities. 

Besides uploading with a basic CSV is there a module that lets me just quickly edit the inventory of each product?

I purchased the Inventory v1.6.0 - by Webbax module but when I downloaded my CSV the headers were in French. I have emailed  them to figure out how to fix this. 


It is a big learning curve but I am really enjoying what i can see as a great potential for my shops. 

So if someone can guide me and recommend a module. 

Thank you. 


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I am on a Mac and really getting frustrated here. I migrated from OSC commerce and my entire inventory is at ZERO. 

I do not want to go one by one to change the stock and I do not like the CSV as i can not get it to upload correctly. It seems complicated. 

Please someone anything?

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I have figured out my problem!! It was my Excel on Mac made the csv information all in one column. I see now it is easy to use the CSV. I have tried to programs and just posting incase someone else has my problem 

all info on CSV in one column. 


On MAC it is not possible, for me anyway, to designate the separator. 



Libreoffice is open source csv reader. Did the trick. 

Edited by sharkey (see edit history)
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