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Cache is killing site

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I'm running PrestaShop 1.5.2 and have more than 3,000 products in the shop. Recently, the cache has been growing out of control and has taken down the site twice and I've had to turn it off. It grows to about 12GB and then kills the site until the contents of the cache folder are deleted.


I found a post about a similar issue here: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/176681-slow-blockcategoriestpl/


I followed the directions and changed the blockcategories files, but the problem still exists. It seems to be more ADTM files than blockcategories. My Performance settings are:


Smarty: Never recompile, Cache off (was on until last night)

CCC: CCC for CSS, CCC for Javascript, minify HTML, compress inline Javascript, Keep W3C Validation, Appache optimization is off (CCC needs to be on or the pages are broken

Caching: off (not available on my hosting server) 


Anyone have any ideas/solutions for this problem?

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Here's what I heard from Presta-Module:


This is the standard Smarty Cache behavior.

It create a file for each tab and page if you are using the option "active state for menus" in our module.

There nothing that we can do on the module side, because this is a native feature of Smarty.


That you can do, is to deactivate the "active state for menus" mode or deactivate the "cache" option from our module configuration.


I turned off the cache on the module and then turned the cache back on for Prestashop. So far, so good with the ADTM files, but within a minute I had 10 blockcategories files.


Anyone have a suggestion for this and is the ADTM solution a good one?

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  • 1 year later...

Honestly?  Quality themes like Leo have kick ass menu among other cool features. 


Buying a menu module is 'old school', default theme is just that, something to get you up, but it doesn't get up your visitor experience.


Rather than buy a menu module,  buy a quality kick ass theme that has everything and more already built into it.


We bought menu modules back in 1.4 when themes were not as feature rich....

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