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[SOLVED] Product page - Photos don't pop up correctly/View Larger does not work

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Using Prestashop


Yesterday, after doing updates of modules and adding one new product, I now have problems on all my product pages. (Do not know if it is related to updating modules.) 

(I already had over 50 products loaded & everything worked fine 2 days ago.)


Sample product page here: 




-The "View Larger" button no longer works.

- The product photos no longer rotate.

- When clicking on a smaller thumbnail it does not load in the main larger photo area.

- When double-clicking on a photo it opens in a new blank page, it does not load on the product page.

- The left and right arrow buttons by the thumbnails no longer work.


Everything was working one day ago.

Any one know how to solve this problem?


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Thanks for the comment! I fixed the add product to cart problem you noticed, but not my original problem above.

(Unfortunately, your suggestion of turning off CCC does not affect anything.) 


All product pages have the problem:



Could it be a problem with jquery regarding product pages? (I know not much about it or what to look for.)

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Hello ArtistToonz,


About the images sizes, did you try to create a new one, as it is explained here ? » http://bit.ly/1gbuRiJ.


If you don't want to open a blank page when you click on your image, you have to make sure that the correct option is activated in "preferences > products". The case "Enable JqZoom instead of Thickbox on the product page" should be set on "no". (If it's already set up this way, try to clear the cache before and after the modification).


If the issue remains, I advise you to create a bug report here: http://forge.prestashop.com.


I hope it will help. Have a great day!

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Thanks for the reply, unfortunately no success in solving the problem.


Regarding your message:

Yes, the image size is exactly what is on http://bit.ly/1gbuRiJ

Note: All was working fine until last update to the modules was released a few days ago....however, I have no idea if these updated modules had any effect. No release notes are issued about the modules, so do not have a clue what was changed.


When I set up my Prestashop store I copied the product images from the basic theme that comes with Prestashop to make sure they are the exact same size.



Regarding: "Enable JqZoom instead of Thickbox on the product page". This has always been set to no. I never turned it on.

I have cleared the cached several times.

The problem still remains.

Someone suggested it looks like a javascript or jQuery problem. Any ideas?


-Clicking on "View Larger" does not work.

-Product arrow photos do not work.

-Product photos enlarge into a new blank page, do not stay on product page.

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I did as you suggested and created a bug report here: http://forge.prestashop.com.


Here is the reply :


Rhank you for contatcing us but sorry this is the core bug tracker not our support tracker.

I invite you to wether contact our support team to get custom help :

email: [email protected]
Phone (French): +33 1 83 64 16 54
Phone (English): +1 (888) 947-6543

Best regards

Edited by ArtistToonz (see edit history)
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Finally had to do some digging around in files...

My hosting company had been rooting around in there searching for an earlier problem.

Found in the themes/default-bootstrap/js/ folder no "product.js" file, but rather a "products.js.old" file.

How there was this "old" file and no products.js file I have no idea. The first time I have been in the Prestashop files.


So I got a hold of the products.js file at:


compliments of the bug tracker people.


Prestashop product photos now seem to work. 

Try it: http://charleskaufman.com/en/giclee-print/36-giclee-print-blonde-and-green.html


The pages might be slow to load. Contacted hosting company and their response:

"It appears that the server on which your website is hosted is having some server-side performance issues. Our systems team is aware of the issue and are working on resolving the poor server database performance."  

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