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Product Category Page

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I have been working with Prestashop over the last week and I am excited with all the features and possibilities. I researched many shopping carts and prestashop is definitely the best option out there for our needs.

I have one question that I have not been able to find a thread on in this forum.

Currently we have 4 main categories of products and 3 of these categories have actual items to purchase, but the last category has no items for purchase and I would like to just create a page with content like images and text for this section. Our store can be seen here (http://www.shirleyandme.com/shop) and the category without products is Mommy and Me. Basically we would like to have html content in the middle column of this category page and if possible we would like to remove the component that says, "There are no products to display in this category". The mommy and me section is more or less explaining that we offer matching womens and childrens clothing. and there are no actual items for sale in this specific category.

I have searched through the tpl files and can not determine where I can edit this information for only the mommy and me product page. I am also using dreamweaver and this may have something to do with not being able to view tpl.

Any help is greatly appreciated and hopefully in time I will be able to contribute to those who have questions!

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Hello I have a few possible options which may help you.
try this one first & if this doesn't help I will assist you further Monday :)

This sounds like you require a standard HTML page but to go within the categories modules :question:
The ideal solution would be CMS but currently un-available, in this situation you need to manually create you own web page. Please follow the simple steps below, the only issue you will have is to manually edit the tpl files either in Dreamweaver or even notepad.

If you use DW some version do not allow you to edit these files, but you will find if you open DW first. Right click on one of the template files (tpl) you wish to edit, select "open with" then choose "Dreamweaver". this should in fact work again depending on which version of DW you use. I think quite a few people on here eagerly await CMS vote here - http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/3091/

Once you are able to edit the tpl files.
All you have to do is:

1) add this link manually in between foreach & ul closing tag in blockcategories.tpl. example below.


Mommy & Me

2) create a new php page mommy-me.php & drop the folloing code into this


3) Create a new template file within your themes directory called mommy-me.tpl & drop the following into this

{capture name=path}{l s='Mommy & Me '}{/capture}
{include file=$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl}

{l s='Mommy & Me'}

{l s='[Page header information here]'}

this is where you will have your content for this section

upload these files & away you go Hope that helps ;-)

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:-) Thank you so much AMW. I have scoured this forum to find answers to troubleshooting questions and your responses are usually the solution to everyone's problems. I have now created this additional page with content only and no products. This is exactly the solution I was looking for.

As a side note will this category always be on the bottom of the category module as a default or can it also be ordered within the common categories that are created through backend. This is not necessary at this time, I am just inquiring...

Thank you again as I was stuck on this issue for quite sometime.

Prestashop and its community are second to none.

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No problem glad I could help ;-)
This can only be entered either above or below, but unfortunately not in between at this time. that would require a few serious hacks in the code

I have just realised in my first post I had 2 li tags, when there should only be 1.
Also if you still get to much of a gap below th categories try removing ie repalce with.

Mommy & Me

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