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Product-list grid view hover effect not working and quick view stacked

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Hello people!


My issue:


I tested my web in a 1366x768 resolution and the grid view works fine (the hover effect shows the hidden price, add to cart button and quick view button).


When I test the page in smaller resolutions the hover effect disappears, so the add to cart button is always shown, the price never appear, and the quick view button appears over every image. 


The hover effect works fine starting 1225 width resolution.


Please advise if I was not clear enought.




 P.D.: Now the quick view is not shown because I change the product-list.css

  @media (min-width: 1000px) {
      ul.product_list .product-image-container .quick-view {
        display: none; } }
    @media (max-width: 767px)

Hope someone can help!


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