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[SOLVED] Show products as Grid only and remove how many to display per page


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I'm running Prestashop insided an exsisting website inside a frame. Works fine so far, had to do some changes to get it working well. I'm running into a few problems I can't solve.


I want the products only to be shown as a list and don't have the option where the visitor can change it into a list. Besides that I want to remove the option for the visitor where he can choose how many products he can see on page. I want that to be a set number. Also the 'show all' button needs to go.


How do I do these things?

I'm using 1.6




EDIT: Found solutions for most of these questions, see post below. I only need to figure out how to remove the number per page selection list.

EDIT 2: Solved my last problem as well, it's in my second reply.

Edited by BA1969 (see edit history)
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I found how to remove the list and grid options: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/3373[spam-filter]solved-grid-view-only/?hl=%2Bgrid+%2Bonly&do=findComment&comment=1704024


The show all button can be removed by removing the following section from pagination.tpl:

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default button exclusive-medium">
	                	<span>{l s='Show all'}</span>

Now I only need to know how to prevent the customer to choose the number of products they want to see on a page

Edited by BA1969 (see edit history)
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Well, I'm going to answer my last problem myself as well........ figured out how to remove the option to choose how many products to be shown on a page.


It's in the category.tpl, just remove this line (101 in my tpl file)

{include file="./nbr-product-page.tpl"}

That should remove the products per page drop down list.

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