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Please clarify module positions header vs top

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Hi Prestashop community,


I'm extremely confused and I would really appreciate guidance or a link to a decent tutorial regarding module positions, my confusion is that there are 2 "hooks", header and top, for instance, do I have to position the same module in those 2 hooks for it to work properly, like the search block or shopping cart block?


For instance, I'm trying to place the search module in the megamenu, how can I do that? In the template I'm working on, if I just add it to the top hook, it's not styled properly, if I then add it first to the header hook and then the top hook, it then styles properly, why is that? Is this header hook like a place where you load js/css files to the module you want to place at the top hook?


I hope I could be clear and that it makes sense. 


Thank you.

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I've found the awnser. I still have a problem on how to place the cart in the megamenu, but I now understand a little more about modules and presta hooks, if you where having the same doubts, please see:


The header hook is not a visual header, but enables us to put code in the <head> tag of the resulting HTML file. This is very useful for JavaScript or CSS files. To add a link to our CSS file in the page's header, we use the addCSS() method, which generates the correct <link> tag to the CSS file indicated in parameters.


And this file http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Managing+Hooks

Edited by strongerfx (see edit history)
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