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Checkout process stuck on 'Shipping' step

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My store is running the 1.6 default theme, with the 5-step checkout.


Everything works great...EXCEPT.... when attempting to purchase two items with shipping carriers. In these cases, I click 'Proceed' on the shipping step, and the page simply reloads and does not progress to Step 5 (payment).


The two carriers in my store are custom, nothing complicated. One with typical shipping rates, and the other is purely free shipping for products that don't mail (virtual, event registration - need combinations, that's why).


Again, individually, these carriers and products work just fine through checkout. It is only when going through checkout with, for example, Item A (carrier 1) and Item B (carrier 2) in the shopping cart, that it gets stuck on the Shipping step.


It DOES work with the one-page checkout enabled. I'd rather use the 5-step, however. I do not use guest checkout.


I've tried debug mode, etc, I don't have anything odd installed. No idea why this is happening.


Please help! Any is much appreciated. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm kind of having the same problem.  I am running my shop on a test URL currently.  When I try to process the order - at the very last step, it looks as though it is trying to search for an image or load something - and I am never able to place the purchase.  Any help would be appreciate.



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  • 7 months later...
  • 6 months later...

-------- 25.11.2015 - USING Prestashop VERSION ---------


This is obviously a BUG.


Just out of nothing (live system), with no changes made whatsoever, this problem appears.

We have a GIT repository running on our server and I see the file class_index.php changed:

The file cache/class_index.php was last changed in commit 450e92c1316838 #Release 23.11 19:37

The last few times we had this problem, fortunately there was always a Prestashop Update around the corner (


Long story short (although I don't know WHY and WHEN this problem appears), there is an easy fix (at least for us).








-->  Advanced Parameters / Performance --> CLEAR CACHE (Top Bar, next to help)






Clearing the cache apparently reseted the "class_index.php" file to the original (pre- commit 450e92c1316838).

Will try to compare and maybe find out what triggers a BAD "class_index.php".






Found that in the BAD "class_index.php" there are overrides activated, all of a sudden


GIT diff:


'Address' =>
array (
- 'path' => 'override/classes/Address.php',
+ 'path' => '',
'type' => 'class',
'override' => false,
'AddressController' =>
array (
- 'path' => 'override/controllers/front/AddressController.php',
+ 'path' => '',
'type' => 'class',
'override' => false,


But still, I have NO clue WHAT actually triggers that?!

Edited by thabrad (see edit history)
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