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Problem with "Black&White;" Theme

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as you can see here:

its not similar at all to :

What is the problem? the logo isnt right and all the body is also has problems.
I have installed like here:

[1]. unzip the file

[2]. move the template file "blackwhite" to "yourshop/themes"

[3]. apply the template in the Back Office "preferences/Appearance/apply blackwhite theme"

[4]. replace the modules "blockcategories" and "editorial" "blocknewsletter" in "yourshop/modules"

[5]. move the file blocktopmenu" to "yourshop/modules" and install it 

[6]. replace the file "payment_execution.tpl" of the modules "Bankwire" et "cheque"

[NB]. - to change the editorial contenant, 
       juste edit the file "yourshop/modules/editorial/editorial.tpl"

     - this template contain modules file,
       if you want to make changements you sould edit theses modules
       instead of the ones in yourshop/modules

    - for more usefull design : 
       - left column : hook only the blockcategories module, 
       - header hook in this order: blockcurrencies, blocklanguages, blockuserinfo, blocktopmenu

    - See also the screenshots

Can you help me out please?

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I'm also using the black & white theme and faced some trouble before fixing them...
As I can't access your site right now from the url you give, I can't check what's wrong.
First, there are some blocks to delete from the "position" module tab in the back office. The "basket" have to be removed for example.
When inserting my logo, everything was moved weirdly down. I had to adjust slightly the global.css using firebug and everything was perfect, just as on the demo site of the black & white them.

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