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csv export broken for orders and customers in

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Hi, I'm using and I noticed the following problem with the csv export feature:

(note: sensitive info replaced with xxxxx's)


1) When exporting customers, extra html and apparently linebreaks are included on the data lines which screws up the csv file




"516","","xxxxxxx","xxxxxx","[email protected]","","1","<a class="list-action-enable action-enabled" href="index.php?tab=AdminCustomers&id_customer=516&changeNewsletterVal&token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
<i class="icon-check"></i></a>","<a class="list-action-enable action-enabled" href="index.php?tab=AdminCustomers&id_customer=516&changeOptinVal&token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
<i class="icon-check"></i></a>","2014-09-01 19:54:22","2014-09-02 16:03:58",


2) When exporting orders, no page is loaded at all. For example, Firefox shows this error:


This webpage is not available
The webpage at http://www.yorkshireyarns.com/adminxxxx/index.php?controller=AdminOrders&exportorder&token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


Edited by buzzworm (see edit history)
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Hi !

Export orders generate a not-found page here too…

I have try to change the AdminController.php, but the line numbers do not match between the fix in the Github and my file, so I don't know if I should try to correct my file all the same or not…

EDIT : I tried to modify my file, and all is OK now, the csv export is working.

Edited by Orphee (see edit history)
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I also tried to export the orders in csv, then getting a csv file thats only 128 kb. No information in it.


Then tried to update the controller file with the Github fix, but then I can't acces my Admin after this update.


Any body know what this is?



I have btw also a test prestashop where i tried this on, but also on this no acces to admin

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I made the changes from the given link, but it breakes my BO too.. I only get a white empty page in chrome ..

Edit.. |I tried the changes from github again on a fresh Admincontroller.php and now it works! I can now export without problems..

Don't forget to delete the old lines completely....


Also for me the line numbers were different than the ones on Github, but is working nevertheless.. 

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the changes related to the problem of export are very subtile


- {


- $callback_obj = (isset($params['callback_object'])) ? $params['callback_object'] : $this->context->controller;    


- $field_value = call_user_func_array(array($callback_obj, $params['callback']), array($field_value, $row));    


- }    


+ {


    + $callback_obj = (isset($params['callback_object'])) ? $params['callback_object'] : $this->context->controller;    


+ $field_value =


call_user_func_array(array($callback_obj, $params['callback']), array($field_value, $row));    


+ }


aren't they ?


You can try 

if (isset($params['callback']))     {     $callback_obj = (isset($params['callback_object'])) ? $params['callback_object'] : $this->context->controller;    


- $field_value = call_user_func_array(array($callback_obj, $params['callback']), array($field_value, $row));    


+ if (!preg_match('/<([a-z]+)([^<]+)*(?:>(.*)<\/\1>|\s+\/>)/ism', call_user_func_array(array($callback_obj, $params['callback']), array($field_value, $row))))


+ $field_value = call_user_func_array(array($callback_obj, $params['callback']), array($field_value, $row));     }     $content[$i][] = $field_value;     }


It didn't work for me, but It looks a more appropriate step to investigate..


I wish the other bugs of Prestashop let me enough time to brush up my Regex .. and solve it by myself ...


In the meantime, I don't find it "normal" ... 


Prestashop is free OK, I deserve what I pay for ...maybe  but It generates plenty of  money ... for the time being ..


edit: the not so magic link ..

[-] BO : Fix PSCSX-3195 detect if callback return html


Edited by misspython (see edit history)
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I tried both suggestions on this page, but also got the broken admin like others.  Then I found this solution and it worked: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/146645-module-page-not-loading-increase-your-memory-limit-value-on-your-server-configuration/


Never mind.  While it did allow me to export the orders, the file just contained this:


<span class="btn-group-action"> <span class="btn-group"> <a class="btn btn-default" target="_blank" href="<br /> <b>Fatal error</b>:  Call to a member function getAdminLink() on a non-object in <b>/home4/flgames/public_html/pledgemanager.stonesterrain.com/cache/smarty/compile/16/37/9d/16379de0a2fba103e38269095078692fd8d151b4.file._print_pdf_icon.tpl.php</b> on line <b>34</b><br /> Edited by 9smiths (see edit history)
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