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question about prestashop HTML Box


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I have a java script that I can not get it to work. 

The content box enter the "field content is invalid" and in the html box I downloaded it will be good enough credited with being not shown on the page. 


What am I doing wrong ?? 


Here is the script: 


<script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/static/modules/gviz/1.0/chart.js"> {"dataSourceUrl":"//spreadsheets.google.com/a/medshop.dk/spreadsheet/tq?key=0AiMv8aY7WjTEdDZUajhRVmlXTVJGZGI4NkJfUVFSc1E&transpose=0&headers=-1&merge=COLS&range=A8%3AA12%2CG8%3AG12&gid=2&pub=1","options":{"fontColor":"#fff","midColor":"#36c","backgroundColor":"#FFFFFF","pointSize":0,"headerColor":"#3d85c6","headerHeight":40,"is3D":false,"wmode":"opaque","hAxis":{"maxAlternation":1},"title":"Samlet vurdering","mapType":"hybrid","displayAnnotations":true,"showTip":true,"dataMode":"markers","colors":["#3366CC","#DC3912","#FF9900","#109618","#990099","#0099C6","#DD4477","#66AA00","#B82E2E","#316395],"smoothLine":false,"maxColor":"#222","lineWidth":2,"labelPosition":"right","fontSize":"14px","hasLabelsColumn":true,"maxDepth":2,"legend":"right","allowCollapse":true,"minColor":"#ccc","width":500,"height":337},"state":{},"chartType":"PieChart","chartName":"Diagram5"} </script> 


It has been tested on a alminden websever in an html file and it works fine.

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My free version of HTML Box worked fine, but once I paid for the "Pro" version, it does nothing.  It's there, and I enter my text and such under home, footer, anywhere, does not matter and it does nothing.  And for those "Rookies" like myself, your best keeping with free version, as the pro version is WAY more difficult and hard to understand.  And the fact it does not actually work for me.  :-(  Sent a few emails to the programmer, and now not getting any response.  Asking for refund, so will see how that goes.....

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I have made a new cms sit "customer Feedback" in left column but in this sit it is the contensbox and not the html box as I wont to use how can I get the html box instead of the contensbox?? because it is not working in the contenbox only in html box

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