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Product/s... too complex?


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Have many questions about product management;


  1. How to bulk change 20 or 50 of them in PS? I could not find anything close to bulk change.
    ex. to change warehouse, cost, tax ect...
  2. How to update tax, discount, cost, stock level from import/export?
    finding this very difficult if not impossible

    This one is the most important to me, to be able to change stock level. 
    Based on that I'll be using PS. If it doesn't work I'll have to move on...
  3. Fields like EAN, JAN, UPC bar codes are nice to have, but they are too strict. Instead to have one or two "custom" fields, so can put what ever I want.
  4. With Import / Export - how come the import cannot be based on Reference or ID no.?
  5. Managing product item !!! Whoa... That was fun.
    What is the actual "flow" when creating/adding/modifying a ProductS, so I can actually sell them?
    I have them in stock (about 150 different products with qty value next to them), have Warehouse allocated to them the "Instant Stock Status" doesn't show anything.



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