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Execution time error on the loyalty program

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I use the loyalty program, and one of my best customers send me an message that they get between step 3 and 4 a blank page.

I put the error reporting on, and they get a Fatal Error execution time exceeded (30).


So i googled, and i put it to 300.

And i checked with the next code of i switched the right .ini file.




But, the error is still there.


She say she used the loyalty programma discount (almost 10 €).

When she removed the discount code, she can finish her order.


Why does she get the error?

Other customers can use the discount code, put that are small ones.


When i say this, i realize that about 1 year ago i have a discount code (no loyalty program) on my webshop.

Some people who has a big order (i don't remember of the value was big, with expensive products, of the value was high, with a couple of honderd products with small prices.).


So i was thinking..


Can there be a problem with big orders + discount code?


Only big orders without discount code has no issue.


I use Prestashop 1.5.1. I know. it is old, but i have no time for a upgrade, it is a lot of work because i edit a lot.

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