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[FREE TUTORIAL] Setting up Google Analytics for Prestashop


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I've had the Google Analytics module installed for the past year or so and everything has been working fine until Google switched me to universal analytics automatically. So I checked the "Universal Analytics" box in the module settings and this didn't seem to do anything. So I then uninstalled and reinstalled the module and now it seems to be tracking my transactions but it's not showing the revenue and the shipping amounts are off and so are the quantities. The only thing that seems to be correct is the order # (transaction ID in GA).


Am I doing something wrong here or is this a bug?


I'm on PS vs 1.5.2




Edited by ajensen27 (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Nemo1, I  really can't manage to get the conversion for e-commerce to be visible in analytics. I just moved from prestashop 1.4.7 to I had the module installed in 1.4 and everything was working. I try to figure if the this new module should be hooked into "displayorderconfirmation", it's not at the moment. I have reset the module several times. In the old presta the module was hooked into "orderconfirmationpage" and to the header. Now the module is hooked into 9 hooks.


How to troubleshoot this? I have been trying now for several days and can't find the solution. I have all orders and stats in prestashop dashboard with anaylytics API configured and working.


All visitors and other functions in analytics are working.

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It's hooked into "hookTop" and checking controller "orderconfirmation" instead. Can you check if the module hooks to "displayorderconfirmation"? 


I checked the ganalytics.php and the file writes the order to "ps_ganalytics" table, but there is no orders in there.


hmm,, don't get it..




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Sugestão de vídeo para configuração do API do Google Analytics !!!





Atenção ao final para liberação da "Tela de consentimento"



Video suggestion for Google Analytics API configuration !!!

Warning the end to release the " consent Screen"

Edited by VItor Hugo (see edit history)
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  On 12/29/2014 at 4:55 PM, heinrichen said:

Thanks Nemo1,



The versions working in a totally different way with controllers instead of just implementing google code on order-confirmation.php.


The version 1.8.2 is only hooked in 2 hooks while the version 2.0.4 is hooked into 9 hooks.


Ii see, I must admit  I didn't test that one.  But it works for me, did you test it out?

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