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Tools to hide what links a customer sees in My Account?

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We are trying to hide the link "My Vouchers" on the "My Account" page as many of our vouchers are not simply available for every customer and the easiest method is to not show the customer the list of every voucher in the store.  Doing some google searches has shown me that some people seem to have a "Tools" menu that allows them to go in and "block" certain things from being shown. I cannot find this anywhere in my admin area. I am running


What I have found at this point, which is probably not the cleanest way to do this, is to comment out the section of code that calls the "My Vouchers" link into the My Account page in cache/smarty/compile/f6/af/b5 folder file. This has at least removed the link - however, I think it is generating another error elsewhere in the system.


Where is this "Tools" area where I am supposed to be able to block customers from seeing certain links? Is there a cleaner way of accomplishing this?  Simply commenting out the line of code requesting the My Voucher info on the my-account.php page didn't do anything.


Any help is appreciated! This is my first experience with Prestashop, I am accustomed to osCommerce so I am not sure where to find the things I need in this new site. Thank you!

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