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[Theme] Responsive Prestashop Theme and Upgrage from 1.5 to 1.6

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Hi my friend!


I come from leotheme.com . Today, I want announce about our theme and upgrade information to you.

We release lots of responsive pretashop theme which is very creative, user-friendly, clear structure.

In this August, we are releasing 6 new theme:


1. Leo Football Wear - which is very suitable with Shoes Shop, Sport Shop, Swim-outlet Shop, Fashion Shop and more

2. Leo Milk Store - suitable for Milk store, Fruits Store, Cake Store, Tea Shop, Vegetable Store , Drink and more 

3. Leo Wine Store- suitable for Food Shop, Fruits Store, Cake Store, Tea shop, Vegetable store, Drink Shop and more

4. Leo Exist - suitable Fashion Shop, Bag store, Clothes shop, Shoes shop, Accessories fashion shop, Sport store, Swim-outlet shop, Cosmetics Shop, Beauty Store, Nature Stores, Jewellery shop, Fashion Shop

5. Leo Star Shop - suitable for Fashion Shop, Bag store, Clothes shop, Shoes shop, Accessories fashion shop, Sport store, Swim-outlet shop, Cosmetics Shop, Beauty Store, Nature Stores, Jewelry shop, Fashion Shop

6. Leo Super Market -suitable for Fashion Shop, Bag store, Clothes shop, Shoes shop, Accessories fashion shop, Sport store, Swim-outlet shop, Cosmetics Shop, Beauty Store, Nature Stores, Jewelry shop, Fashion Shop.


And information for upgrade our theme from 1.5 to 1.6 which use leo framework 2.0 to leo framework 3.0 for your theme. 

This is a update theme list:
1. Leo Mega
2. Leo Asenti
3. Leo Citymart
4. Leo Freshmarket
5. Leo Decor
We would like to thank you for choosing our theme company to use your website. Our company have been working in creating prefect prestashop themes for your website.

For more information at leotheme.com
If you should ever need any additional information , you can feel free by email at leotheme@gmail.com at any time.




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