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Best way to input products - advise.

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Hi, I hope someone will kindly give me their view on this. (I think I may have titled the post wrong.. as I've written, I've thought more so it's changed slightly).


I have this situation: 1 product with the same price, features and dimensions. This 1 product has three SKU numbers and three images relating to three colour ways.


Another way of describing this is: I have three ranges of product, one in blue, one in pink and one in multi-colours. In each range are the exact same products, just in the different colours.


The whole philosophy of the site is that customers shop-by-colour.


Say I have 9 products in each colour, that is: 27. Not a huge number, but....


When I need to change my prices, or features, I would prefer to alter 9 products, not 27. My prices are the most likely to change as my volumes are very low currently, but I'm really hoping this will change and I want to adjust my prices as it does. So, forutnately PrestaShop (1.6) allows me to 'associate' each product with all three colour categories - great.


So one problem attempting to achieve this then, is how do I tell PrestaShop to display the blue image when the product is displayed for the blue category... CSS/JS? Place all images as a background and hide or show depending, or dynamically change the src via JS... I'm searching for the id or class that is output when a category is present.


Is there something I'm missing... a best way to structure the database?


I'm hoping someone will be kind enough to help... I hope to be able to help others in here myself oneday.


(PrestaShop 1.6)


Thank you.




Edit: I'm looking at combinations... and admit, it's over my head. It's taking time to get my head around the feature. I'm playing with it but not sure it's displaying products to the customer in the way I've outlined above - as in: navigate by combination in the top menu... rather than category....ooohhhh, I'm lost.

Edited by Starfish (see edit history)
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Alright, i am all new to PrestaShop myself, but from my understanding you basically have one product, lets say a T-Shirt, this particular T-shirt comes in 3 different color and maybe xx number of sizes. To me this sounds like what is called as "Combinations" Nemo1 has made some great tutorial video for PrestaShop that is worthwhile to look through (from first to last, yes i mean it).


I think the one that might be of interest to you is Day 4 - Prestashop Attributes Combinations


You can also have a look in this thread as well for more great videos by Nemo1: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/194700-free-tutorial-series-prestashop-101/?hl=+101



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