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Showing language/country flags and currecy symbols on version


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Hi narem, the flags are not the same as the language... This is why they have been removed in this new version.


For example, is absurd cornering resources to have the English language under the iso "en" and one with the iso "gb". I'ts English in booth cases.


Anyway, you can add the image tag on the blocklanguages.tpl. Take old blocklanguages from 1.5 as reference to see the code you need.




btw: if fixed this with my latest module, now we match on ietf language code and not just finding first lang id with 'en' iso code.  so, if there were flags and/or text in your example we now display en-us or en-uk depending on browse languages, sorted by quality factor. woot woot...



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btw: if fixed this with my latest module, now we match on ietf language code and not just finding first lang id with 'en' iso code.  so, if there were flags and/or text in your example we now display en-us or en-uk depending on browse languages, sorted by quality factor. woot woot...


Hi narem, the flags are not the same as the language... This is why they have been removed in this new version.


For example, is absurd cornering resources to have the English language under the iso "en" and one with the iso "gb". I'ts English in booth cases.


Anyway, you can add the image tag on the blocklanguages.tpl. Take old blocklanguages from 1.5 as reference to see the code you need.




Hi narem, the flags are not the same as the language... This is why they have been removed in this new version.


For example, is absurd cornering resources to have the English language under the iso "en" and one with the iso "gb". I'ts English in booth cases.


Anyway, you can add the image tag on the blocklanguages.tpl. Take old blocklanguages from 1.5 as reference to see the code you need.



Hi ! El Patron,


Thanks for your reply. Can you get me more concrete explanation ? I can't understand what you wrote 

add the image tag on the blocklanguages.tpl.


  How can I add the image tag on the blocklanguages.tpl of v1.6.0.9, i.e. what do I have to add on the blocklanguages.tpl of v1.6.0.9 ? I cannot find the image tag on the blocklanguages.tpl of v.1.5.

 And what about currency symbols ?



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  • 4 weeks later...

With help from what I read above, I've included the flags again in the top nav. From the Default Bootstrap theme (PS I changed the blocklanguages (/themes/default-bootstrap/modules/blocklanguages/ blocklanguages.tpl) and included it again. 


Works perfect! 



<!-- Block languages module -->
{if count($languages) > 1}
	<div id="languages-block-top" class="languages-block">
		{foreach from=$languages key=k item=language name="languages"}
			{if $language.iso_code == $lang_iso}
				<div class="current">
					<span><img src="{$img_lang_dir}{$language.id_lang}.jpg" alt="{$language.iso_code}" width="16" height="11" /> {$language.name|regex_replace:"/\s\(.*\)$/":""}</span>
		<ul id="first-languages" class="languages-block_ul toogle_content">
			{foreach from=$languages key=k item=language name="languages"}
				<li {if $language.iso_code == $lang_iso}class="selected"{/if}>
				{if $language.iso_code != $lang_iso}
					{assign var=indice_lang value=$language.id_lang}
					{if isset($lang_rewrite_urls.$indice_lang)}
						<a href="{$lang_rewrite_urls.$indice_lang|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$language.name}">
						<a href="{$link->getLanguageLink($language.id_lang)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$language.name}">
						<span> <img src="{$img_lang_dir}{$language.id_lang}.jpg" alt="{$language.iso_code}" width="16" height="11" /> {$language.name|regex_replace:"/\s\(.*\)$/":""}</span>
				{if $language.iso_code != $lang_iso}
<!-- /Block languages module -->

EDIT: Small error fix within tpl code

Edited by purepixels (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...

I too would like to display flags before the currency name in the pop-up menu for currencies. Showing symbols is useless, IMV, as so many currencies use the $ symbol, whereas the countries that use the dollar have unique flags (for example, US, Canada and Australia all use the $ symbol but are easily identified by flags by users from those countries).


As I understand it, above mod will do exactly that but I don't have the flag images with iso names. Can someone please upload them and also the exact path where they should be deposited.



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