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Advice for store - not sure which technology to use!

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I would like to develop a store, which is multi-vendor, but financially based on monthly subscriptions from the Vendors, rather than me, the store owner taking money or commissions for sales. Each Vendor should have it own page/s of stock (gallery)


When I break it down, I think this is not actually a store, it's a catalogue, where vendors just happen to subscribe to display their work. I had seen some modules from Agile, for multi vendor related stuff, but wondered if there's another solution, maybe less complex.


The site would be pretty much like this... dailypaintworks.com - here everyone lists there paintings in their individual gallery of work. Everyday the site goes through and displays the paintings for that day on the homepage. They do have an auction feature, but I'm not interested in that at the moment. The site just needs to generate a link to PayPal for each painting, and then the buyer can buy direct from the artist. Or if they prefer, the buyer can email the artist.


I'm not sure where to start really, or indeed if Prestashop is the right solution for me. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Edited by Coreblimey (see edit history)
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