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Skinning Prestashop

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Hello everyone,

I'm new to Presta, and I have no experience with it at all.

I want to start my first Presta project by skinning Prestashop with my own XHTML/CSS. I was wondering if that's possible, and if there is any documentations/tutorials that help.


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I'm currently engaged in this aswell,

All I can say for prestashop although terribly undocumented is extremely easy to pick up and work with.


Almost everything can be themed from the global.css which resides in the templates directory.

header.tpl is where you'll want to include all your header items :)

Good luck, I'm not sure how much help I can be on more specific topics as I'm still trying to work out how to re-theme the cart block but of course feel free to ask, I'm sure somebody smarter than me can answer :D

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