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Export users from another system

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I have been using biznisweb.sk for several years but I want to start using PS1.6. I have 1700 customers and I dont want them to have to register again.


I guess, passwords will be hashed using different algorithm and most of data will be in different formats, so I dont think I will be able to properly move customers to PS.


I think the best idea would be to import customers names and emails and let them create their password at first login. This way they wont have to register again even though they will have to insert all their personal dat (adress etc) but it does not matter.. Is there any module for this?



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It is small eshop for Slovak republic only. I know about cart2cart but it is not available there. Therefor I want to do it myself, just to import names and email and let them insert their passwords at first login. Or at least generate passwords for them and sent them on emails with message that I have new eshop and here are their new randomly generated passwords.

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do you have access to phpmyadmin on old shop?


or other mydql db  tool?


if so then you could export 'all' customer data then massage it to match ps customer table.


as for passwords, one could write a (one-time) routine to migrate passwords, (once you have the transfer), consider posting in job offers.  if not then you could mass mail customers a nice newsletter with information that say you have upgraded security on the shop and to please use 'recover password' to update account.

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I am web programmer, I work with php for yeas but not with PS thats why I am searching for some module which solves this easily or some hints how can I do it myself.


I ask them if I have access to DB, dont know yet. It is not my eshop but my fathers, I dont know why he chose such a bad eshop service but I want to help them switch to PS now.

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