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Language different with different theme?

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I have a question.

Is it normal that the language change depending on what theme you are using?
Shouldent the default language be used no matter what theme you are using?

Of course i understand that some modules and some perhaps hard coded text are affected if you change your theme but now im meaning the default text that for example apear on the "Select Carrier" page.

I have another problem with my bought theme concerning doublet's on the carrier logos and when checking how it looks in the default theme i also saw that that page in default theme is in Swedish as it should be, but when changing theme to my bought one from "prestacrea"  the language is in english?

Is this correct? 

The text on that page is not hardcoded in the bought theme so i cant see why its not translating it to Swedish.

See attached files.

The first file is the default theme and the second file is the "Vapote theme" from Prestacrea



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If the themes as translation files you can change the language.

Basicly the langauge don't depend on the themes.  

Thank you for answer.


yes the theme has a language folder and inside there there are 2 files.


"en.php" and "fr.php" i tried to delete them both but no change. When using the theme the pages are mostly in english anyway.



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Ok i have now tried the  Copy translation but it dosnt really work..

In the default theme this line is translated to Swedish: Choose a shipping option for this address:

But in the bought theme this line is blank in the translation , (and many others that are not in the default)

I have tried to move the sv.php file from the default theme Lang folder to the bought theme but no change,, why is this?

I even tried the "Copy" languange option in backoffice but no change.


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