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Question about manually upgrading PS to

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I'm following Benjamin Utterback's directions found here:




I've downloaded the .zip file for PS (Can't upgrade to 1.6 since my theme only supports up to


My question is, on Step #4, after extracting the .zip to my local hard drive, and FTPing the files over to the server to a subdomain I created, don't I need to run the install so that it's installed?


In Step #3, Benjamin says to make a duplicate database within myPHPAdmin and then "link it to your Subdomain." How do you link a database to a subdomain? Or is that something I do within the config/settings.inc.php file?


Thanks for your help.

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rg, he is suggesting that you make a complete copy of your web site and then yes, you simply do a normal one-click-upgrade.


Linking the SQL file means editing the new copy of config/settings.inc.php.


Using this method allows you to test without interrupting a live web site.


Personally I prefer to use Teat Site Creator



However with test site creator the default setting will use your original database and create new tables with a different prefix. If you are able to have more than one MySQL database with your host then I recommend you create a new empty database and let test site creator use that.

Edited by Bill Dalton (see edit history)
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Thanks for your reply.


TSC sounds nice, but I'm not going to spend $75.


Right now, all I'm wanting to do it "possibly" upgrade since I'm having a particular combinations problem and was wondering if it is simply my version of PS ( that's causing it.


My problem is I have a handful of products on my site with a couple of color options: Original and Primitive. Choosing an Original color choice will not change the price of the item, but selecting a Primitive color option will add $15 to the price. So, for example, if I have an item that costs $160 as the base price, selecting an Original color will not change the price, but selecting a Primitive color option will make the final price $175.


The problem is, if I select a Primitive color choice, then decide that I want an original color choice, the price does not decrease back down to $160 (in this example).


So, I'm wondering if that's a bug with Or is that simply a shortcoming in PS?


If it's a shortcoming, then I'm not going to upgrade. It's too much of a pain!


That's why I was considering upgrading. But I wanted to do it manually and therefore created a temporary subdomain.

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Keep in mind that the type of problem you describe can be caused by your theme. One big advantage of creating a copy of your site with a copy of your database is you can easily switch the theme to the default theme. This lets you quickly know if the problem is PS or your current theme.

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tip: once you get upgrading down, then it's easy to upgrade to future releases to get new features.


so it's a good idea not to give up on this.


I think this is a good supplement to the topic you are looking at



for complete upgrade see here:



staying fairly current is a good thing.

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OK. I tested this in the Default theme and it does the same thing: base price is $160. If I choose  a Primitive color, price goes up to $175 (which is correct), but if I change my mind and go back to an Original color, price stays at $175, instead of going back down to $160.


So, it's not my theme.


Is this perhaps just a shortcoming within PS? Or should the price actually change when I select an Original color, after having selected a Primitive color?


I even purchased the Combinations with Final Price (without increase) Module found here:




It allows you to set a fixed price for an item. But for some reason it doesn't save the fixed price within the combinations page.


So, I'm wondering if it's just a bug within

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OK. Here's something really strange.


I have 10 options for Original colors, and 9 options for Primitive colors. As I was testing, I decided to only change a couple of the Primitive colors in the BO to reflect the price change (increase by $15).


So, I went in and Previewed that item on the site, price started out at $160, I selected one of the Primitive colors that I had modified to reflect the $15 price increase. Price increased to $175, which was correct.


I then "changed my mind," and selected an Original color. Price remained at $175, instead of going back to $160.


So, out of curiosity, I decided to select one of the Primitive colors that I hadn't modified in the BO. BAM! Price went down to $160.


So, in summary, if I select an Primitive color, price goes up to $175. If I then change my mind and select an Original color, price does not go back to the base price of $160. BUT, if I select a Primitive color that I didn't make a price increase change within the BO, the price reflects and goes back down to the base price of $160.


Why would that be? This is totally strange!

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