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Moving menu in header

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I used the Leo Converse Theme and when I placed the horizontal banner it showed up in the wrong place above the logo. On the sample site of Leo Converse, it is always below the logo. I just can't seem te find where to switch it. I've been lloking at ceveral CSS files as I think it is a 'display' or 'float' problem. Can anyone help?


You can find the site here http://www.svar.be/iris/


Thank you very much




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go to modules> positions and search for "displayTop" modules list

you will see there a list of modules associated in top section of website

move menu module at the end (it must be last module on displayTop modules list)

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go to modules> positions and search for "displayTop" modules list

you will see there a list of modules associated in top section of website

move menu module at the end (it must be last module on displayTop modules list)


I tried that already but still the logo appears under the menu. I think there is a fault in the code on where the logo is placed in the layout.


I tried the Top Mega Menu by prestashop but it apears in the same place. So the position of the module is correct, it's last in line. Still the menu appears on top of the logo.


it's gotta be a layout problem, not?

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