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Updating stock_available reference too long error


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I wanted to duplicate my shop products and I made a script where I duplicate the ps_products table, and I get the new 'id_product' obtained to insert rows on related tables "ps_product_lang", "ps_product_shop" and "ps_stock_available".


Now when I try to buy one of this new products, prestashop gives me this error:



Data too long for column 'reference' at row 2

UPDATE `ps_stock_available` SET `id_stock_available` = '500',`id_product` = '497',`id_product_attribute` = '0',`id_shop` = '1',`id_shop_group` = '0',`quantity` = '-59',`depends_on_stock` = '0',`out_of_stock` = '1' WHERE `id_stock_available` = 500



I don't understand why it says "column 'reference'" if it's updating the 'stock_available' table, that doesn't have this column...


The reference string of my products are like "2020C" and the copy is "2020C_R" (only adding the "_R"). I tried to delete the "_" character but it's the same.


If I update the table manually from the workbench, it doesn't works anyway.


Any ideas? Thanks



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