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Shipping Costs / Curriers / Countries

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This is my first time using PrestaShop and I'm quite enjoying customizing it.

But when it comes to setting shipping costs per country etc. I get a bit confused.


I have DHL & UPS listed as curriers, some of the products will come from over seas, some drop-shipped.

Is there any way to automate the costs per product per weight or something or how do i set up each country shipping costs? Does dhl, ups etc keep a list or where do you get this info? Think I'm referring to Shipping Ranges?


Any tips appreciated, maybe I need to reword this whole topic.

Edited by sounds (see edit history)
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what I have seen done by other community members is:


create new zone (with a country name)

add country to this zone.


remove country form other zone.



then you can set up shipping just for that country (note mods typically sell virtual so we not so good as shipping)


hope this hint helps

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