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Need help with assigning pricing to combinations

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I'm running PS


I have some products that will have different color groups: Original and Primitive, for example.


The base price for one of my products is $160. If a user selects an Original color, there is no change in the price. But, if the customer chooses a Primitive color, it raises the price by $15, hence the final price will be $175.


So here's my questions: Let's say a user selects a Primitive color. The price raises by $15 to $175. But then, let's say, before putting the item in the cart, the customer changes his mind and decides that he wants an Original color instead, So, he selects an Original color.


Problem is, the price does not change back to $160.


Can I get this to work properly without a third party module? Or do I need a third party module? If so, can someone recommend a module that will help me with this?


Thank you.



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