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How to set search filters for product w/ multiple of same attribute?

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An auto part website I am working on is going to have many different product categories, where one part may be used in multiple different car manufacturers, for example: Honda, Acura, Toyota.


I'm wondering how I could do this in Prestashop? It seems that product Attributes and Features only allow one selection for each, and I may need 3 or more per product.


Is there any way around this? Or any way I could make a custom field and have it searchable by filters similar to attributes? 



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Actually, if you create an attribute name "part type" and write something like "engine whatever" you can assign it to any product you want.


Or maybe I'm missing something?


Yeah I may not have explained well.


What I mean is, lets say I made an attribute "Manufacturer" and had Honda, Acura, Buick.


Sometimes the same part may be used by both Honda AND Acura. But currently it only lets me select one.

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