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CPU usage warning from website host

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I have been adding products to my online store all morning and just got a warning email from my host, Web Hosting Hub (see below). I'm confused as to what exactly I need to do. They gave me a link but there are several options and I've no idea which of these steps I should do. I really don't want to load files to different domains. And my Smarty is turned on. Any other suggestions?



"Upon further review, we see that your account's CPU usage is being heavily inflated by the activity within Prestashop's Admin Panel. Going forward, we ask that you please try to scale-back this activity and optimize your Prestashop installation, in efforts to help reduce the CPU usage of your account.

http://www.prestashop.com/en/top-tips "

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There is honestly nothing that you can do with the admin panel in regards to have it using less resources. How many products are you showing in your product list in the backend? If possible I would leave it on the lowest setting, that is pretty much the only thing you can do. 

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BoZoom increases back office performance but would not help for this issue, bulebell you working to hard.


if you doing csv..then that would be reasonable to see high admin usage, but adding manually, well you either one heck of a fast typer or your hosting type is uh a little to precious for your needs.

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Dh42, right now I have 111 items listed. And I have a lot more, total around 200. Maybe if I add them a few at a time and not all at once, the CPU usage won't be that huge. I don't know if that will help but I'll try and see if the graph changes. Below is the graph as of today and I see that there were even more active days but I never got any warnings.




El Patron, I'm wondering! I have paid for a full year, so I'm going to stay for now. Overall I'm very satisfied with their customer service, it's quick, polite and very professional. That one thing weights a lot to me. I'll try to add fewer products at once and see if that will help. Actually, all of my products have the same description, so I just copy/paste and only add a different title. It goes quick that way, so maybe that's why the usage is go high.

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I just thought that  I might see if I can upgrade to a better hosting plan so I can have "everything unlimited" as they put it. Maybe that will solve this issue. I'm planning to have several hundreds of products soon, so I need more "room". Do you guys think that would help?

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