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Cant get italics to work on my site

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I have tried using italics in several places on my site, and there is one category description that has 2 of about 7 words in the description that correctly show for that description, but can't figure out why the rest won't show. 


I have tried italics in:

Category Descriptions

Product Short Descriptions

Product Descriptions

CMS Pages


Of all of those only like 2 words in one category description show italics out of maybe 100 italics entered on the site.  Any tips as to why this occurs, or how to control it?


I do have a different theme, and had a ticket open with them, and they said the issue is present in default prestashop theme and that it is a prestashop issue.


Thank you for any help you can provide


Edited by YFYD (see edit history)
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