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Where can I change goods URLs generation logic?


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PrestaShop implements some logic (bare transliteration and string cleaning as far as I can see) to generate human-readable ("SEO friendly") URLs from product names.


I would like to adjust this behaviour to fit my preferences. For example I'd like it to include the product reference code (or the EAN code, I have not decided yet) and always derive from the English product name (I have 3 languages incl. English at my store) instead generating a completely different URL for every language.


In what particular PrestaShop code file is this logic implemented and can be changed?

Edited by StrangeAttractor (see edit history)
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Looks like that's there. Would you also be so kind to tell me where is $ defined?


It uses expressions like $('#link_rewrite_' + id_language) and $('#name_' + id_language) to store and retreive fields, I am cruious about finding the whole list fo these fields (I'd like to access reference and ean codes for example).

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The $(#link_rewrite_'+id_language) will give you a reference to the object (defined by it's name #link_rewrite'+id_language, which first translates to something like '#line_rewrite_0', '#link_rewrite_1'). So a short way to get to the objects in your form etc.


More details here:






Hope this helps,


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