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Issue with combinations on

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Having a strange new issue with combinations in the front office.  I am getting the following error using both the native and a css skin for the default theme in





Any ideas would be appreciated!


I've been trying to tune my server for the fastest speed and added a cache module that caches to MySQL.  Yes I have disabled and deleted all the cache options that are available many times.  From smarty to xcache, memcache, the new module, and CCC.  I've been trying to fix XHTML issues as well and reduce the BO modules down to only the required ones.  I am using Avalara, M4 PDF and USPS modules in addition to the new Express Cache module.  I have disabled all of them and I did see an improvement for awhile when Avalara was disabled so I downgraded it to last known good.


Here are the sites: capvapor.net and capvapor.com


They are both still in test so no orders are filled and you can use local pickup and POD options if you want to go through the checkout process.


I'm at my wits end.  I've gone through every iteration of SEO URLs and security and .htaccess and recreated products.  It will work once then go away randomly.  If anyone has seen this I'd appreciate any ideas!


Thanks in advance!

James Stepp

Edited by jstepp28 (see edit history)
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Thanks for the response!  I saw that I was getting those but wasn't sure where to look to resolve them.  I uploaded a default copy of the default theme without luck then the modules then the js folder, img and then replaced the override folder and that fixed the problems with the js issues.


So I am getting the combinations correctly again.  Now I need to reload the modules again but now I know how to troubleshoot this issue going forward and I should be able to get the rest of the shop back in order soon.


Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction!

J. C. Stepp

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