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PHP runs as CGI in Presta

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Hello to all,

I am runing Prestashop on a VPS with 10 cores and 16 GB of RAM.

It is really slow, and each page takes several seconds to load (sometimes even 10-20)

I have tried to investigate what the problem could be and I see this on my server:


presta 13860 13860  2.4    1  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    18:10   0:01 [php-cgi] <defunct>


My question to the community is:

In Prestashop is there any PHP scripts that don't like to run as CGI?

if yes, will this be fixed by update to a later version?

if yes, then what would be the recommended version: or ?


Thank you in advance for your suggestions

Edited by CleanDev.eu (see edit history)
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are you forced to use CGI?  I don't think Prestashop has any specific issues, CGI is just inherently slow.  Are you able to switch to using Fast CGI or FCGI?  Are you using CGI because you intend to use APC or something similar?


To answer your specific question, have you tried to just install PS v1.5.6.2 and see if it performs better on your host?  It is probably the fastest way to answer your question.

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