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discount per category and attribute listed price does not work

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Hi all,


I have re-coded the attribute part of PS so it doesn't show a dropdown-menu but it displays all attributes with price in an order form like this: https://www.kempkes-gemert.nl/druk-pvc/47-druk-pvc-buis-75-bar.html


This all works fine and dandy for regular customers. Now I've created a new group of customers and I'm giving them a discount per category and now my price-listing is way off (ie. doesn't show correct prices except for the first item). Pricing in the cart is correct, so it's not a PS issue (at first :D ).


At current it works like this:

value=($product->getPrice(false, $smarty.const.NULL)+$group_attribute.price

So with getPrice you get the default price (discount applied!) and then you add the value of the attribute (discount not applied!). So in essence I need to grab the discount percentage and apply it to the $group_attribute.price and then it should work properly. 


A. can I 'call' (get) this 'discount per category' percentage (like getPrice or a variable) from the TPL (is it in the array where the price is?)?

B. should I spent my days wondering around in the core code to apply it there? And if so, can anyone shorten this time by giving some pointers?


Any input is greatly appreciated!




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Just some answers for those working the same issues:


a. on the product page you can call a variable called


Just apply the reduction to the attribute.price and it works like a charm!


b. since I also needed it on my product-list.tpl the answer was YES, I had to adjust the ProductController.php to get the group_reduction, throw it into the ajax array and process it from there.


Thnx PS for building something I can get to work the way I wanted to!

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