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Version: 1.6

Clean Install


default template


I am trying to change the colors of the default theme. Upon going into my File Manager from my cPanel, I am trying to change the PS's default theme colors but downloading say the footer image and the coloring it to my store's colors. Well I overwrite the original image upon uploading the newest color. When I go to my store, nothing has changed! The colors are still the same, so it begs the question, where can I go to change the PS default theme template's images? Is it in my PrestaShop admin/template/bootstrap folder? or are the files stored somewhere else?  Please help. I've looked on this forum and didn't find a question like mine.


I really would like to change the background, footer, header images. So far I was able to change the banner which that image is stored in the back office of PS.


I would REALLY, REALLY, REALLY appreciate someones help.


Thank you so much!


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Assuming you want to change front office background colour you can do this by going to:

public_html/Your Shop/themes/default-bootstrap/css/global.css


Add this at the very bottom of the file

/*Background Colour Change 2nd August 2014*/
.columns-container {
  background: blue!important; }  (change blue for any colour you want or, even better, use hex colours)
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Assuming you want to change front office background colour you can do this by going to:

public_html/Your Shop/themes/default-bootstrap/css/global.css


Add this at the very bottom of the file

/*Background Colour Change 2nd August 2014*/
.columns-container {
  background: blue!important; }  (change blue for any colour you want or, even better, use hex colours)


Does the same procedure work if I want to change the colors of the footer and the header. The thing is that the dark colours would not suit what I am going to sell.

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