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Prestatools, the best module list ever

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Yes I know, jovil was "alone" and about free modules prestastore project, but I asked if anyone want Jovil continue with prestatools.com becouse I supposed a lot of people want to know more about free modules in 2 or mores sites.

I think people can discover new free modules at Prestastore or looking for another websites like was Prestatools.com...

This message is for only to encourage Jovil continue, thanks

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Its typical of a community, when someone asks for help on a project that helps everyone, and when no-one comes forward to offer help, the project gets put on hold or closed, and after it is closed people start asking about it reopening and offering help, but usually it too late.

I also have a site for free modules that i try and keep updated, but as I only know one language, i am unable to add any of the foreign modules that are around. I also run 3 webstores, have a part-time job and a family so it tends to be the last thing on my mind, and only gets updated when i have a spare 10 minutes, which is a shame as its getting 400 visitors a day now. I wish I had more time to update it and scour the net for modules to add to it, but I just don't. I have asked around for people to help, maybe with translations or modules in other languages but again no-one.

I don't blame Jovil for closing Prestatools, its not an easy task to do by yourself, in your spare time, and I have a feeling my site will be going in the same direction, not because of the free modules section in Prestastore, but because I just don't have the time.

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I offered him to help and get the English part up an running but as I only speak English and Dutch I could not get the list translated from French.

Second: it is hard to keep up with all the modules and for which version they can be used.
I vote for a list like PrestaStore but the BIG problem will be who will keep the free modules up-to-date and how will the PrestaStore keep track of updates etc.?

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I offered him to help and get the English part up an running but as I only speak English and Dutch I could not get the list translated from French.

Yes I was happy to get your offer, so I sent to you Prestatools ftp code but I had no more message from you neither any action !
That s because I had only words but no real act! I must stop Prestatools.
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When Jovil wants – he can send me the latest source code of the list – then I can but all list to PrestaPortal.

Sorry you didn't ask me before copying the list, you didn't want to help me to manage it in english on Prestatools, I can't help you !
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I offered him to help and get the English part up an running but as I only speak English and Dutch I could not get the list translated from French.

Yes I was happy to get your offer, so I sent to you Prestatools ftp code but I had no more message from you neither any action !
That s because I had only words but no real act! I must stop Prestatools.

You absolutly right and I do offer my apologies to you: Sorry!
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When Jovil wants – he can send me the latest source code of the list – then I can but all list to PrestaPortal.

Sorry you didn't ask me before copying the list, you didn't want to help me to manage it in english on Prestatools, I can't help you !

I agree, but if you do not want to manage your list anymore then consider given the last version to him so he can server the community and we can still benefit of you hard work.

This is the spirit of Open Source :cheese:
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This is Your decision. You are owner of PrestaTools domain and You can do what You like. I am maintaining some portals - I wasn't time to take new one - PrestaTools English.
What is to me surprise - that You just closed the domain. When I am moving to Magento or in other way stopping using PrestaShop - I am not closing my PrestaPortal website - I am giving away or I think I am selling it for some money for next one. So that users can still use these features, what they like.

So my recommendation - sell PrestaTools domain and its content for next user, who wants to go forward with this. You can get some money for Your great work. This list was great.

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I can understand Jovil's decision as I have been in a similar situation myself in the past and it can be very frustrating and de-motivating.
I do, however, think that the closing of his site is a major set back in terms of image/exposure for this fantastic shopping cart. I really don't understand why there seems to be such a lack of support from the prestashop community when someone asks for help on a project.
Granted, we are not all web developers/designers but we can all contribute something, however big or small, when called upon by someone who requests our time on something quite simple. We all really need to get behind the spirit of open source if we all want prestashop to succeed.

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