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Override BlockTopMenu to match Customer's preferences

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Hi everybody


I have configured my top menu with main categories. I have overridden Customer class to store category preference. OK


Now, I would like to disable, in the top menu, items don't match with category preference of the customer who's logged in...


I understand how works overriding in PS but I need some help to do this.

I can't override blocktopmenu.php because makeMenu() is private, and they don't use a loop in their template (blocktopmenu.tpl). The only thing I thought is to override hookDisplayTop() but the whole menu is already assigned to the template !


Do you have a way to do this ?

NB : I just need to put a class="menu-disable" on <li> for those don't match customer's category preference


Thank you  :)

PS : / zensation theme

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