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problem to install SEO Expert (Référencement)


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I have baught the module "SEO Expert (Référencement)" and I tried to install from "MODULE and INSTALL NEW MODULE" at the end I have the following message : Fichier trop large (limite à 4194304 octets). (in english --> file to big) see attached

What can I do ?

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I believe your problem is that your upload_max_filesize is limited to less than 4Mo on your server, and that's the module's size.


I'd recommend you to unzip the module and put the module's directory inside modules/ so you have modules/seoexpert/files .

You can find more detailed turorials here : http://doc.prestashop.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=20840812#Cataloguedemodulesetthèmes-Installerunmodule (in french ;) )


let me know if you need more help.

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It depends on your hosting.


If you have a dedicated server, you have to edit the php.ini file and change the value on the upload_max_filesize setting. Then you'd have to restart the web server.


If you have a shared hosting, you'll have to contact the company for instructions because sometimes you can change it on a .htaccess file, sometimes you have to contact them so they'd do it and sometimes you just cant do anything about it and have to work around.


Let me know :)

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