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Free Shipping/No Carriers

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Testing with as I've been selling for months on 1.5.4.


I have the "Free Shipping" issue and the "No Carrier" issue.


Tried putting:


(1) United States in "Countries".


(2) North America in "Zones".


(3) Have taxes for 1 State and added/removed taxes in the carrier.


(4) Have added multiple carriers with Price and/or Weight attributes.


(5) Have tried to enable free shipping without luck in the carriers for tests too.


I've read that it could be with warehouses but not using warehouses.


Totally lost how Prestashop works shipping on a product.


Any advice?

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I've deleted the zones and only added North America. I think selected the only country enabled, "United States", to be associated with it. Still nothing has brought the carriers up.


By the way, is it my installation personally that doesn't seem to have a "Select All" button for the countries to enable/disable in bulk?

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I had to uncheck the  "I want to use the advanced stock management system for this product" in my products.


Appreciate the support. Countries, Zones, Advanced Stock Management, Modules, and Product Loading are involved.


Almost lost my mind ;)

Edited by techtech (see edit history)
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